Orlando Carnate

Full Stack Web Developer

Full Stack Web Developer with experience in JavaScript, Angular, Three.js, Nest.Js, GraphQL, MongoDB, PrimeNg, Node.js, Git/Version Control, Express.js. Familiarity with React.js, Python, C#, SQL.

I've always had an interest in programming and web technologies. My studies include self-learning along with community college courses, which I was able to apply to the companies I have worked for previously to create and maintain graphics and html/css pages. Eventually I realized that my true passion is software development.

I decided to learn more about the newer technologies and lack of back-end knowledge by completing and earning a certificate in an intense Full Stack Coding Boot Camp at Northwestern University School of Professional Studies, acquiring real-world skills in JavaScript, React, Node, Express, MongoDB, MySQL, HTML/CSS, and Python.

A combination of both my work and bootcamp experiences helped me obtain my first full time software developer position as a front-end Angular and Three.js developer in 2021. I believe the skills I've learned during my previous work experiences (such as image optimization using Photoshop, problem solving and critical thinking) helped me grow as a programmer. Since then I was able to expand my knowledge and experience by developing APIs in the back-end to send Real-Time data to the front-end, to visualize real-time 3D using Three.js.


Speak N Spell Word Game

Word guessing game in the style of an old Speak N Spell with sounds!

Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, HTML Audio

Harry Potter Trivia Game

A trivia game that displays one question at a time until the player answers it or the timer runs out.

Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML Audio.

La-Z Ltrs App

As a member of a four person team, developed a CRUD web app with speech-to-text to create and send personalized cards using the Handwrytten robot writing service API.

Technologies: Handwrytten API, HTML5 Speech Recognition API, MySQL, Sequelize, Node.JS, Passport, bCrypt, Express, Express-Session, Bootstrap, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX.


As a member of a four person team, developed a MERN stack community building app targeting refugee communities within Chicago and connecting them with local families to help facilitate a smoother transition.

Technologies: React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Express, ChatKit API, MapBox API, Cloudinary API.

Pokemon Memory Game

A React memory style game. Each time you click on a Pokemon, the cards will shuffle and your score increases by 1. If you click on the same Pokemon twice, you lose! If your score beat the top score it will become the new top score, and the current score resets to 0.

Technologies: React.js, Node.js, JavaScript, Bootstrap, Express.

3D Portfolio

A React.js Image Gallery of my 3D portfolio

Technologies: React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Google Books Search App

A MERN Stack Google Books Search app containing React components, helper/util functions, and React lifecycle methods to query and display books based on user searches.

Technologies: Node, Express, React, MongoDB, Heroku, mLab, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Google Books API

Sci & Tech News Scraper

A News Scraper App that stores scraped articles into a MongoDB database using Mongoose.

Technologies: MongoDB, Express, Express-Handlbars, Node.js

Bamazon CLI Storefront

A command line NODE.js app that can place an order, update stock, add new items and departments using relational tables.

Technologies: JavaScript, Node.js, MySQL, and SQL


A command line NODE.js app that takes in parameters and gives you back data.

Technologies: Node.js, Axios, Node-Spotify-API, Moment.

ASP.NET Contact List App

A Contact List Web App developed in ASP.NET Framework and C# Language. Deployed and hosted on Azure.

Technologies:ASP.NET MVC, C#, Bootstrap, Azure

Eat Da Burger App

A burger restaurant app that lets users select a burger they'd like to eat and consume it with a click of the mouse. The user can also add a new burger to add to the burger list. The app also follows the MVC design pattern

Technologies: Node.js, an ORM made from scratch to handle MySQL statements, and Handlebars to generate HTML from templates.

Friend Finder Web App

A compatibility-based "FriendFinder" app that compares a user's answers with other users then displays a matching profile based on their scores.

Technologies: Node.js, Express.js, JavaScript, jQuery, and Boostrap.

Harry Potter RPG Game

RPG card game based on those characters.

Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, Bootstrap, HTML Audio.

Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

An Online multiplayer Rock Paper Scissors game using Firebase Realtime Database and Anonymous Authentication.

Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, CSS Grid, Firebase Realtime Database.

Giphy API App

A web app that uses the GIPHY API and Wikipedia API to make a dynamic web page that populates with gifs of your choice.

Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, CSS Flex Box, third party APIs

Charitable News Web App

A collaborative group project where we created an app that allows users to read news pertinent to the United States while being informed about related events/charity organizations.

Technologies: JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, Bootstrap, third party APIs